What is the difference between Erigon and Geth?

Geth uses 3 Merkle Patricia Tries Transaction Trie, Receipt Trie, and State Trie, while Erigon uses a single Merkle trie. This structure allows Erigon to be more efficient. I recommend checking Erigon’s primary documentation for more details about all the features and functionalities Erigon offers, which are often updated.

What is Geth & how do I use it?

Geth is the official Ethereum client written in the Golang language. It comes in two forms – as a standalone client and a library for using in other projects. The standalone client is available for all popular platforms – Windows, macOS, Linux. You can install it by downloading the precompiled package and running it from the command prompt.

What is Erigon based on?

As we mentioned, Erigon is based on Geth, and the team made some fundamental changes to the full sync algorithm and the storage system, allowing you to sync an Ethereum archive node much faster and using less disk space. Erigon improves sync speed by adopting a staged sync process. When Geth synchronizes a full node, it downloads the blocks’ data.

What is go ethereum?

Go Ethereum, often abbreviated to Geth, is a Command Line Interface (CLI) Ethereum client written in Go (An open-source programming language developed by Google) and is the official Go implementation, fully open source, and licensed under GNU LGPL v3.