What is a geth node?

Geth is the most popular Ethereum client out today. It is aimed to be the fastest, lightest, and most secure Ethereum Client. It's written in the Go programming language and maintained by a group of core Ethereum Foundation developers and other contributors. In this article, we will learn how to run a Geth node. Why use Geth?

How does Geth work?

With Geth, you can establish your own private Ethereum network. The blockchain of an Ethereum network begins with a root block known as the genesis block. There are no transactions in the genesis block. There are different sorts of Ethereum nodes, but Geth nodes are divided into three categories: light nodes, full nodes, and archive nodes.

What is an Ethereum node?

An Ethereum node is composed of two clients: an execution client and a consensus client. Geth is an execution client. Originally, an execution client alone was enough to run a full Ethereum node.

How do I spin up a geth node?

In order to spin up a Geth node, the only thing you need to do is go to your terminal window and run geth. When you do it, you should get an output similar to this: After this, you should see new lines appear periodically, where Geth says “Importing new state” or “Importing new block headers” or “Importing new receipts”.