Why does a light Geth node cost more than a full node?

However, the cost of this performance increase is that a light Geth node depends heavily on full-node peers that choose, for altruistic reasons, to run light servers. There is no monetary incentive for full nodes to run light servers and it is an opt-in, rather than opt-out function of a Geth full node.

What is a geth node?

Geth is a software that connects to other computers running the software in a peer-to-peer manner and an original implementation of the Ethereum protocol. Using the Geth node client software, users who want to run a light node can start one up in a few minutes.

What is a light node in Ethereum?

A light node is a cost-effective Ethereum node, which only downloads Ethereum block headers, the minimum data needed to transact on the Ethereum network. Unlike the other classes of Ethereum nodes, full nodes and archive nodes, a light node is the most basic type of node you need to get started.

What is a light node?

Light nodes, in contrast, do not verify every block or transaction and may not have a copy of the current blockchain state. They rely on full nodes to provide them with missing details (or simply lack particular functionality).