What is the difference between podman and Docker?

Docker is a containerization technology that enables the creation and use of Linux containers. The main difference between Podman and Docker is Podman’s daemonless architecture. Podman containers have always been rootless, while Docker just recently added a rootless mode to its daemon configuration.

How do Docker and podman interact?

When podman build is executed, the buildah bud (build-using-dockerfile) command is called to emulate the docker build command. Both Docker and Podman can expand functionality with external tools. The sections below present some of those tools and compare how Docker and Podman interact with them.

Is Docker podman the same as Docker Swarm?

Podman should be instantly familiar to Docker users. You could alias docker to podman and not notice a difference in day-to-day use. Of course, not every feature is available, though---trying to use Docker Swarm commands will throw an error, as Podman doesn't have anything equivalent to Swarm. What's Different about Podman?