What is centric swap?

Centric Swap is a low-volatility, a zero-sum cryptocurrency created and destroyed on-demand to facilitate the liquidity of Centric Rise. Users can obtain Centric Swap by buying it from licensed brokers and exchanges. They also can convert Centric Rise to Centric Swap using the decentralized and immutable Centric convert protocol.

What is the trading volume of centric swap (CNS)?

The trading volume of Centric Swap (CNS) is $218,762 in the last 24 hours, representing a 44.60% increase from one day ago and signalling a recent rise in market activity. What is the all-time high for Centric Swap (CNS)? The highest price paid for Centric Swap (CNS) is $0.01873632, which was recorded on Aug 03, 2020 (over 3 years).

What is centric wallet (CNS)?

The Centric Protocol is governed by the Centric Rise smart contract. CNR and CNS are based on the BSC blockchain’s BEP20 standard. Centric Wallet is available where users can store their Centric Rise and Centric Swap. It has features that were specifically designed for these tokens. Where Can You Buy Centric Swap (CNS)?

What is centric & how does it work?

Centric is a project that addresses the problem of crypto volatility. Instead of following the rest of the industry by focusing on transaction throughput and smart contracts, Centric believes that solving price stability is much more important for crypto adoption and realizing the economic capabilities of the blockchain.