What is the difference between ubiquitous and confusing?

Ubiquitous is something which is present, exists, or os found everywhere. It can also be called as Pervasive, Omnipresent. Confusing is something complex to to understand. It is unclearly or understandable or difficult to understand. It can also be called as perplexing, chaotic. These words are neither synonym not antonym of each other.

What is the meaning of ubiquitous?

1 often observed or encountered. by that time cell phones had become ubiquitous, and people had long ceased to be impressed by the sight of one. Synonyms for ubiquitous. common, common or garden. [ chiefly British ], commonplace, everyday, familiar,

What is the difference between ubiquity and Ubique?

Both words are ultimately derived from the Latin word for "everywhere," which is ubique . Ubiquitous , which has often been used with a touch of exaggeration to describe those things that it seems like you can't go a day without encountering, has become a more widespread and popular word than ubiquity .