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Which stores accept Apple Pay?

Grocery, drug, computer and other types of stores: Walmart (You can use Walmart Pay) – Their Murphy branded gas stations accept Apple Pay. The following gas stations accept Apple Pay, but please note that Apple Pay may not be available at all locations. You can use Apple Pay for public transportation around the world.

Where can I use Apple Pay?

This could come down to the costs involved, as US banks have higher fees than other countries for payment systems (you can use Apple Pay at Home Depot in Canada, for example). There are a couple of home improvement retailers where you can use Apple Pay. The major pet stores take Apple Pay.

Does Toys R Us accept Apple Pay?

If you enjoy playing sports and use an iPhone, most major sporting goods stores accept Apple Pay. You can use Apple Pay in most major toy store retailers in the US. If you want a trip down nostalgia lane, go to Canada, where Toys R Us still exists, and you can use Apple Pay. Several large retailers do not accept Apple Pay.

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