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Can I pay myself on Venmo?

Yes, you can pay yourself on Venmo. The app lets you send money to yourself, hold funds in your Venmo account, and send money to friends if your identity is verified and you have a Venmo Card. However, you cannot transfer funds between your two Venmo accounts since you can only transfer money between separate accounts.

Can a friend send money to a Venmo account?

Alternatively, you can have your friend send the money to one of your Venmo accounts. You can then use Venmo to send yourself the money, putting it into your bank account of choice. It’s worth noting that you can also do this with a single bank account. Nothing says you must have two different accounts.

How do I transfer money to my Venmo account?

Once you have added your payment method, you can transfer funds to your Venmo account and then send money to yourself. Here’s how to do it: From the home screen, select the “Manage Balance” option. Select “Add Money” and enter the amount you want to transfer. Choose the bank account or credit card from which you want to transfer the funds.

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