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Is a Borzoi a good dog?
Among the most impressively beautiful of all dogs, the aristocratic Borzoi is cherished for his calm, agreeable temperament. In full stride, he is a princely package of strength, grace, and glamour flying by at 35 to 40 miles per hour. Borzoi are large, elegant sighthounds.How big is a Borzoi Hound?
Borzoi are large, elegant sighthounds. A mature male stands at least 28 inches at the shoulder and weighs 75 to 105 pounds. Females will be smaller. Beneath the luxurious silky coat, Borzoi construction follows the ancient Greyhound template.Who bred the Borzoi Hound?
The Borzoi was bred by the Russian aristocracy for hundreds of years. The Borzoi was known until 1936 as the Russian Wolfhound. As far as is known, the first Borzoi that came to America was brought over from England in 1889 by William Wade of Hulton, Pennsylvania, this hound being purchased from Freeman Lloyd.