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Who invented the assembly line?

While the modern assembly line as we know it today is most famously associated with Henry Ford and his implementation of it in the automobile industry, the concept of dividing production tasks into smaller, specialized steps has been used in various forms in different industries throughout history.

Did Henry Ford invent the assembly line?

While Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line, he popularized it when producing the Model T. The use of interchangeable parts and specialized workers transformed the automobile industry, enabling the mass production of vehicles at a scale and speed never seen before. The process made it possible to build a Model T in ninety minutes.

When was the first automobile assembly line introduced?

The first automobile assembly line was introduced on December 1, 1913 Cars changed the way people lived, worked, and enjoyed leisure time; however, what most people don’t realize is that the process of manufacturing automobiles had an equally significant impact on the industry.

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