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What is algorithmic trading software?
Most algorithmic trading software offers standard built-in trade algorithms, such as those based on a crossover of the 50-day moving average (MA) with the 200-day MA. A trader may like to experiment by switching to the 20-day MA with the 100-day MA.What is energy trading and risk management systems?
An energy trading and risk management (ETRM) system is a software solution that can capture and manage wholesale energy market transactions, from execution to settlement, invoicing, managing, reporting market and credit exposures, and market integration for energy commodities.Does algorithmic trading improve market liquidity?
Algorithmic trading has been shown to substantially improve market liquidity among other benefits. However, improvements in productivity brought by algorithmic trading have been opposed by human brokers and traders facing stiff competition from computers.What is a combination algorithmic trading strategy?
A combination algorithmic trading strategy uses both price action, and technical analysis, to confirm suspicions about price action by analysing charts with indicators. Algorithms can then enter buy or sell orders based on this information.