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How many aircraft manufacturers are there in the world?

There are about a dozen aircraft manufacturers worldwide, but the two major ones are Boeing and Airbus. Besides full aircraft builders, there are many smaller companies that build aircraft components, systems, and parts. Who are the largest aircraft manufacturers?

What are the biggest aircraft manufacturing companies in the world?

Today, we'll look at some of the biggest aircraft manufacturing companies in the world. One of these, unsurprisingly, is Boeing, while the others include Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT) and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

Are there any small companies that build aircraft?

Besides full aircraft builders, there are many smaller companies that build aircraft components, systems, and parts. Who are the largest aircraft manufacturers? The largest ones are Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Embraer and Comac, as well as Mitsubishi, UAC, Aviastar-SP, KAPA and GippsAero.

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