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How many bank failures are there in 2023?

There are 5 bank failures in 2023. See detailed descriptions below. For more bank failure information on a specific year, select a date from the drop down menu to the right or select a month within the graph. Iowa Trust & Savings Bank to assume all of the deposits and substantially all of the assets of Citizens Bank.

What was the 2023 US banking crisis?

The 2023 United States banking crisis was a series of bank failures and bankruptcies that took place in early 2023, with the United States federal government ultimately intervening in several ways.

How did the 2023 bank failures affect congressional oversight?

Congressional oversight has focused on two aspects of the 2023 bank failures: (1) what caused the failures and (2) what emergency actions regulators took in response to the failures. Oversight can shed light on whether regulators’ authority was insufficient, supervision was inadequate, and the banks violated any laws or regulatory requirements.

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