We are now listed on CoinGecko!


We are excited to announce that BTCC is now listed on CoinGecko, the world’s largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator. You will be able to see all the trading data of BTCC, such as our 24h trading volume, 24h open interest, as well as the trading pairs that we offer on CoinGecko’s website or app: https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/btcc_futures

BTCC is currently ranked number 6

We are currently ranked number 6 in the list of Top Derivative Exchanges by Open Interest & Trade Volume. Feel free to check out our ranking at https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/derivatives

We would like to thank our BTCC community for the support they’ve given us all along. Without their trust in us, we wouldn’t have been able to grow and expand in the ways we did in the past years.