We’re ranked 5th on CoinMarketCap


We are excited to announce that BTCC is now ranked 5th by trading volume in the derivative section on CoinMarketCap, the world’s most-referenced price-tracking website for crypto assets.

See the trading volume of our products by choosing ‘Perpetual’ or ‘Futures’.

A big thanks to our users for choosing BTCC to trade crypto futures. We couldn’t have ranked in the top 5 without your support! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and new product offerings on BTCC.

CoinMarketCap – The world’s most trusted cryptocurrency data authority

Founded in 2013, CoinMarketCap is the world’s leading platform to provide the crypto community with transparent data regarding cryptocurrency market cap rankings, charts, and more. Since its launch, CoinMarketCap has been trusted by users, institutions, and media worldwide for its reliable and accurate source of live information. With its credibility in providing timely and unbiased information, the page has attracted over 340 million visits from crypto enthusiasts in June 2022.

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