NFTSolana O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON)
 O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON)

O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON)

Browse O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.208000 SOL
Total trading volume 686.40 SOL
24h trading volume 0.720000 SOL

What is O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere?

O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON) is an NFT collection. O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON) price floor today is $4.68, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.72 SOL. As of today, there is a total of 3300 NFTs minted, held by 523 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $15,446.66.

Out Of Nowhere brings together characters from a multitude of parallel universes, the worlds intermingle, the civilizations are more or less advanced, the living beings more or less human, the worlds are governed by all sorts of different rules.It is the multiverse

Where to buy O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere NFT?

You can buy and sell O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere (OON) on Magic Eden.

How many O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere NFTs are there?

There is a total of 3300 unique NFTs in the O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere collection.

How many holders are collecting the O.O.N. - Out of Nowhere NFT?

There is a total 523 unique addresses that are holding the OON NFT.

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