NFTKlaytn Meta Toy Bricks (MTB)
 Meta Toy Bricks (MTB)

Meta Toy Bricks (MTB)

Browse Meta Toy Bricks NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 20.75 KLAY
Total trading volume 202,548.34 KLAY
24h trading volume 0.000000 KLAY

What is Meta Toy Bricks?

Meta Toy Bricks (MTB) is an NFT collection. Meta Toy Bricks (MTB) price floor today is $6.34, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 KLAY. As of today, there is a total of 9760 NFTs minted, held by 3046 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $61,863.90.

Brian Bankman-Larsen, a bored blockchain rich ape, has joined the MTDZ community and he wanted to celebrate himself. So he created whole new NFTs for the MTDZ community using his precious MTDZ#10000 as the material!
...the disassembled MTDZ#10000 has been transformed into something very new on BBL's hands. Those new born 9999 Meta Toy Bricks will let your unique creative imaginations run wild with MTDZ.

Where to buy Meta Toy Bricks NFT?

You can buy and sell Meta Toy Bricks (MTB) on OpenSea Klaytn.

How many Meta Toy Bricks NFTs are there?

There is a total of 9760 unique NFTs in the Meta Toy Bricks collection.

How many holders are collecting the Meta Toy Bricks NFT?

There is a total 3046 unique addresses that are holding the MTB NFT.

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