NFTKlaytn SYL - Dawn of East (SYL)
 SYL - Dawn of East (SYL)

SYL - Dawn of East (SYL)

Browse SYL - Dawn of East NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 2,997.64 KLAY
Total trading volume 11,346,049.42 KLAY
24h trading volume 0.000000 KLAY

What is SYL - Dawn of East?

SYL - Dawn of East (SYL) is an NFT collection. SYL - Dawn of East (SYL) price floor today is $916.40, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 KLAY. As of today, there is a total of 3785 NFTs minted, held by 774 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $3,468,592.28.

# "If one can imagine it, it exists."

Who would win in a battle? General Lee Sun-Shin or Alexander the Great? Would Robin Hood be able to best an elf with a bow? What if Haetae were to battle Pikachu? Let your imagination run wild in SYLTARE.

SYLTARE is a trading card game using NFTs. In the world of SYLTARE, various heroes of legends and history are yours to own and use in strategic battles.

How did all these heroes come to exist in a single space and time? What is happening in the universe? Secrets will unfold as you fight your way through many battles alongside your favorite heroes.
It should also never be forgotten that a just reward rightfully belongs to the victors.

Where to buy SYL - Dawn of East NFT?

You can buy and sell SYL - Dawn of East (SYL) on OpenSea Klaytn.

How many SYL - Dawn of East NFTs are there?

There is a total of 3785 unique NFTs in the SYL - Dawn of East collection.

How many holders are collecting the SYL - Dawn of East NFT?

There is a total 774 unique addresses that are holding the SYL NFT.

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