NFTEthereum Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL)
 Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL)

Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL)

Browse Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 8.880000 ETH
Total trading volume 399.60 ETH
24h trading volume 30.99 ETH

What is Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL?

Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL) is an NFT collection. Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL) price floor today is $14,494.83, with a 24 hour sales volume of 30.99 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 45 NFTs minted, held by 41 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $652,267.33.

Mint Pass Velum provides the holder a claim of Harvey Rayner's Bright Moments project 'Velum', minting and premiering live in NYC on January 26, 2023. Remote minting will happen automatically for those who cannot attend IRL.More information:

Where to buy Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL NFT?

You can buy and sell Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL (MPVL) on OpenSea.

How many Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL NFTs are there?

There is a total of 45 unique NFTs in the Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL collection.

How many holders are collecting the Mint Pass Velum | Harvey Rayner | MPVL NFT?

There is a total 41 unique addresses that are holding the MPVL NFT.

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