NFTAvalanche TubbyReindeer (TR)
 TubbyReindeer (TR)

TubbyReindeer (TR)

Browse TubbyReindeer NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.430000 AVAX
Total trading volume 2,147.85 AVAX
24h trading volume 0.044885 AVAX

What is TubbyReindeer?

TubbyReindeer (TR) is an NFT collection. TubbyReindeer (TR) price floor today is $8.34, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.04 AVAX. As of today, there is a total of 4995 NFTs minted, held by 980 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $41,662.00.

Tubby Reindeer is a collection of programmatically generated random NFTs on the Avalanche blockchain. This collection is composed of 5000 reindeer assembled randomly. Each Tubby Reindeer is composed of a body, a hat, a face and a unique outfit picked by over 110 choices. Each Reindeer are unique. Reindeer are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Avalanche blockchain and hosted on IPFS. They are tamper-proof and last forever.

Where to buy TubbyReindeer NFT?

You can buy and sell TubbyReindeer (TR) on Joepegs.

How many TubbyReindeer NFTs are there?

There is a total of 4995 unique NFTs in the TubbyReindeer collection.

How many holders are collecting the TubbyReindeer NFT?

There is a total 980 unique addresses that are holding the TR NFT.

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