What happened to crypto com?

WSJ’s Vicky Ge Huang explains what happened to the company and what this could mean for investors. Photo: Olivier Douliery/AFP Customers pulled funds from Crypto.com over the weekend after the company’s chief executive said the cryptocurrency exchange mishandled a roughly $400 million transaction.

Why did customers pull funds from crypto?

Customers pulled funds from Crypto.com over the weekend after the company’s chief executive said the cryptocurrency exchange mishandled a roughly $400 million transaction. Copyright © 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Did a cryptocurrency exchange get hacked?

The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Crypto.com, Kris Marszalek, has finally confirmed that hundreds of user accounts were indeed compromised by hackers and had funds stolen as a result, though details of the exact method of breach remain unclear.

Who audited cryptocurrencies?

The audit was performed by the Mazars Group, the former accountant for the Trump Organization. While no evidence has emerged of wrongdoing at Crypto.com, Marszalek’s business history is replete with red flags. Following the collapse of a prior company in 2009, a judge called Marszalek’s testimony unreliable.