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What is 1 BNB (BNB) in AUD?

The price of converting 1 BNB (BNB) to AUD is A$383.70 today. Last updated 08:06AM UTC. BNB (BNB) is worth A$383.70 today, which is a 0.3% increase from an hour ago and a -0.5% decline since yesterday. The value of BNB today is -2.0% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of BNB traded was A$1,409,736,370.

How do I use advanced BNB charts?

Use advanced BNB charts to analyse the BNB price and maximise your opportunities when trading BNB. Improve your trading strategy with advanced charts. Use advanced charts to maximise your opportunities when buying and selling BNB.

What is BNB (BNB)?

Originally launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, BNB has now migrated to the main BNB Chain. Although the initial total supply was set at 200 million coins, the supply is gradually decreasing as a result of frequent coin burns. The current price of BNB is updated and available in real-time on Binance. What is BNB Used For?

Why is the price direction of BNB increasing?

The current price direction of BNB is increasing because BNB is up 0.62% in the last 30 days. Please wait a moment. Use our free converter to calculate BNB - AUD. The current BNB to AUD conversion rate is $354.90. Free to use converter using live CoinMarketCap data.

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