Metaverse Fashion: Will There be a Nasty Change Soon?


Fashion in Metaverse sounds cool, but will it soon have a nasty change?

Metaverse is considered to be the successor of the Internet era, the next stage of our use innovation. Depending on who you ask, Metaspace can extend to digital fashion, social media, virtual reality, augmented reality, virtual stores, video games and unforgeable tokens (NFTs), which means that many brands began to fiddle with Metaspace standards even before the term became common.

With the fashion industry gradually settling down in Metaverse, its core generation Z customer group will spend more time playing, socializing and shopping. It is very important to understand its full potential. Fashion in the Metaverse sounds cool, but will it soon have a nasty change?

Style in the Metaverse: The Industry of Digital Fashion - KQ Education Group

What is the Significance of Digital Clothing?

Some people may argue that what’s the point of physical clothes? Generally speaking, everything we wear has far exceeded the basic ability of clothing, and in essence, we use fashion to call us the way we need to be seen by others. No one needs a 30 pound baseball cap and a 400 pound smart watch. Accessories and clothing are essentially more about personalizing our appearance in the physical world. So why should digital clothing be treated differently?

The clearest answer is that these clothes do not really exist, but are made up of pixels rather than materials. In any case, digital clothing contains everything related to our traditional fashion. It just has no entity. However, customers wear these clothes on a variety of occasions, from digitally modified photos to games or digital and hybrid worlds, such as virtual reality or augmented reality.


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Style Without Content?

Social media has changed people’s view of themselves and displayed their version online. Many people habitually add augmented reality filters before sharing pictures online. This trend is beginning to affect the fashion world. For example, the creators of “this output doesn’t exist” are bringing virtual clothing series into life, as more and more people turn to pure digital fashion to make their instagram feed more colorful.

Digital fashion celebrates inclusiveness and advocates that anyone, regardless of their size, size, sexual orientation or gender, can wear anything. The fusion of the physical world and the digital world is often called phydigital. This trend is one of the main reasons why retailers are preparing for extended reality (XR), in which the products we buy are reflected in both the physical and digital world.

With the introduction of non forgeable tokens (NFTs) into the mainstream, big brands are well integrated into this trend. Nike acquired rtfkt and Adidas is exploring how to provide its customers with exclusive goods and virtual experience. Even Gucci and Louis Vuitton are releasing NFTs as collectibles.

The Future of Digital Fashion

Metaverse, a revolutionary technology, has a bright future, and its journey in the fashion industry has just begun. However, a world with only digital fashion will still be a distant realization until the technology is popularized to everyone. Before that, Metaverse — which combines all technical concepts such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine language, cryptocurrency and NFT — is expected to continue to expand organically.

Although it promotes the digital world to different stages and brings new production and consumption processes, it is expected that the change in understanding of reality and demand will also accelerate the transformation of the fashion industry. As consumers spend more time online, the hype around Metaverse will continue to be connected to virtual goods, and fashion leaders will release new ways to contact high-value young partners.

In order to capture the untapped value stream, players should explore the potential of NFTs, games and virtual fashion – all of which provide new ways for creativity, community building and business.


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H & M Refuses to Enter Metaverse

H & M, one of the world’s leading clothing brands, has denied recent reports suggesting its entry into Metaverse. The Swedish fashion company was previously reported to have a new virtual store in Metaspace ceek city to provide its customers with a virtual purchase experience in ceek’s virtual reality (VR) environment.

For those who don’t know, ceek is a VR based Metaverse known for its virtual world. Its purpose is to connect its players with music artists, athletes and other digital content creators. Just as ceek seeks to provide its users with a three-dimensional music experience, H & M may appear to add shopping elements to this space.

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