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What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin (BTC) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, originally described in a 2008 paper by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. Launched in January 2009, it was the world’s first cryptocurrency, and remains the most popular, with the highest market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin was built on several key innovations.

Why is bitcoin a'mined' cryptocurrency?

Finally, the community was incentivized to verify transactions by receiving rewards in the form of “mined” Bitcoin for checking the accuracy of the blockchain. Latest news for Bitcoin: Read our 24/7 coverage of the BTC cryptocurrency, including breaking news, live market updates and features.

What is Bitcoin News?

Bitcoin News is a Bitcoin-focused media outlet that reports on breaking news and updates on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Our aim is to promote hyper-Bitcoinization by sharing accurate market news about the people, firms, events, and developers that are helping to spread awareness about Bitcoin as a novel asset class.

La première plateforme de trading de cryptomonnaies au monde

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