BTCCNFTSolana Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF)
 Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF)

Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF)

Browse Transdimensional Fox Federation NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 14.97 SOL
Total trading volume 116,465.82 SOL
24h trading volume 832.58 SOL

What is Transdimensional Fox Federation?

Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF) is an NFT collection. Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF) price floor today is $336.82, with a 24 hour sales volume of 832.58 SOL. As of today, there is a total of 7780 NFTs minted, held by 3214 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $2,620,426.41.

A series of wormholes have ripped a hole in the spacetime continuum, and thousands of pixelated Foxes from a parallel universe have made their way through.

Where to buy Transdimensional Fox Federation NFT?

You can buy and sell Transdimensional Fox Federation (TFF) on Magic Eden and Solanart.

How many Transdimensional Fox Federation NFTs are there?

There is a total of 7780 unique NFTs in the Transdimensional Fox Federation collection.

How many holders are collecting the Transdimensional Fox Federation NFT?

There is a total 3214 unique addresses that are holding the TFF NFT.

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