BTCCNFTKlaytn Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR)
 Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR)

Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR)

Browse Drawshop Kingdom Reverse NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 2.157176 KLAY
Total trading volume 134,942.15 KLAY
24h trading volume 3,363.76 KLAY

What is Drawshop Kingdom Reverse?

Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR) is an NFT collection. Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR) price floor today is $0.66, with a 24 hour sales volume of 3363.76 KLAY. As of today, there is a total of 62555 NFTs minted, held by 1429 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $41,179.69.

DAO Game with NFT, P2E and DeFi.
Using NFT and Pixel Arts, you can decorate your shop and formulate your own strategy. Through PvP you can compete with other player's strategy and NFT and in the process, collect JOY Tokens! You can look at other player's Drawshop in the World Map and enjoy all kinds of events. You will be able to fully enjoy the quintessence of a 2D metaverse!

Where to buy Drawshop Kingdom Reverse NFT?

You can buy and sell Drawshop Kingdom Reverse (DKR) on OpenSea Klaytn.

How many Drawshop Kingdom Reverse NFTs are there?

There is a total of 62555 unique NFTs in the Drawshop Kingdom Reverse collection.

How many holders are collecting the Drawshop Kingdom Reverse NFT?

There is a total 1429 unique addresses that are holding the DKR NFT.

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