BTCCNFTEthereum ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ)
 ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ)

ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ)

Browse ChainFaces Arena NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.056000 ETH
Total trading volume 1,509.98 ETH
24h trading volume 2.179810 ETH

What is ChainFaces Arena?

ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ) is an NFT collection. ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ) price floor today is $91.48, with a 24 hour sales volume of 2.18 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 26964 NFTs minted, held by 4240 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $2,466,553.40.

ChainFaces Arena is the much anticipated successor to the original on-chain generative ASCII text faces. The smart contract generator produces randomized faces which will be revealed once the timer runs out or the maximum number of faces are minted.

The battle arena is part of the core experience, where ChainFaces can compete to become champion. Dying in the arena means the NFT is gone forever. ChainFaces which survive in the arena are rewarded by having their battle score updated in real time, as well as having the ability to earn generative scars with every 10 rounds survived.

Where to buy ChainFaces Arena NFT?

You can buy and sell ChainFaces Arena (Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ) on OpenSea and LooksRare.

How many ChainFaces Arena NFTs are there?

There is a total of 26964 unique NFTs in the ChainFaces Arena collection.

How many holders are collecting the ChainFaces Arena NFT?

There is a total 4240 unique addresses that are holding the Ლ⚈෴⚈Ლ NFT.

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