BTCCNFTEthereum Outside Yacht Club (OSYC)
 Outside Yacht Club (OSYC)

Outside Yacht Club (OSYC)

Browse Outside Yacht Club NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.039500 ETH
Total trading volume 219.42 ETH
24h trading volume 2.734169 ETH

What is Outside Yacht Club?

Outside Yacht Club (OSYC) is an NFT collection. Outside Yacht Club (OSYC) price floor today is $64.51, with a 24 hour sales volume of 2.73 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 5555 NFTs minted, held by 764 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $358,357.87.

We have officially MINTED OUT!
Collection of 5,555 OSYC APES that provide their owners with exclusive benefits. You will be able to stake your APE to accrue further keys. STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS

Some of these keys can be used multiple times and can also be combined to create new keys. There are various types of keys; possibly one of these keys will change your life. Some of these keys are such as the OG key, the Pass key, the Echo key, the Ape key and many others.

Where to buy Outside Yacht Club NFT?

You can buy and sell Outside Yacht Club (OSYC) on OpenSea.

How many Outside Yacht Club NFTs are there?

There is a total of 5555 unique NFTs in the Outside Yacht Club collection.

How many holders are collecting the Outside Yacht Club NFT?

There is a total 764 unique addresses that are holding the OSYC NFT.

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