BTCCNFTEthereum Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC)
 Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC)

Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC)

Browse Cool Cats Fractures NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.130000 ETH
Total trading volume 1,504.75 ETH
24h trading volume 5.799720 ETH

What is Cool Cats Fractures?

Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC) is an NFT collection. Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC) price floor today is $212.20, with a 24 hour sales volume of 5.8 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 11575 NFTs minted, held by 10159 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $2,456,228.78.

Cool Cats Fractures is a collection of 11,575 Dynamic NFTs created by Cool Cats to allow our holders to join Blue along his journeys through Cooltopia. "Fractures" are your access pass to participating alongside the story while earning rewards. When the fractures have reached full strength, you will enter the fracture (by burning) to see what's on the other end!

Where to buy Cool Cats Fractures NFT?

You can buy and sell Cool Cats Fractures (CCFRAC) on OpenSea.

How many Cool Cats Fractures NFTs are there?

There is a total of 11575 unique NFTs in the Cool Cats Fractures collection.

How many holders are collecting the Cool Cats Fractures NFT?

There is a total 10159 unique addresses that are holding the CCFRAC NFT.

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