BTCCNFTEthereum Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ)
 Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ)

Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ)

Browse Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.100000 ETH
Total trading volume 102.20 ETH
24h trading volume 0.000000 ETH

What is Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz)?

Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ) is an NFT collection. Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ) price floor today is $165.27, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 1022 NFTs minted, held by 247 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $168,902.48.

Welcome to BudBlockz! Ganja Guruz NFTs are key to becoming a verified member, holding an NFT will grant you entry to P2E gaming and members only spaces . BudBlockz will release 10,000 Ganja Guruz on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-721 Standard).

Where to buy Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) NFT?

You can buy and sell Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) (GURUZ) on OpenSea.

How many Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) NFTs are there?

There is a total of 1022 unique NFTs in the Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) collection.

How many holders are collecting the Ganja Guruz (BudBlockz) NFT?

There is a total 247 unique addresses that are holding the GURUZ NFT.

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