BTCCNFTEthereum Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO)
 Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO)

Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO)

Browse Decoherence by Van Arman NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 4.950000 ETH
Total trading volume 1,237.50 ETH
24h trading volume 0.000000 ETH

What is Decoherence by Van Arman?

Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO) is an NFT collection. Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO) price floor today is $8,007.67, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 250 NFTs minted, held by 182 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $2,001,918.36.

We are only probably here. There might be an explanation for our universe, but if you look closely enough, if you dig into the fibers, there is solid evidence that things aren't real. Decoherence explores the part of us that questions reality. It visualizes impossible shapes, exotic dimensions, and alternate universes. If you, like me, sense that there is something more, this series can be a crack in the wall. I hope you will join this search for answers, even if we are only probably here.

Where to buy Decoherence by Van Arman NFT?

You can buy and sell Decoherence by Van Arman (DECO) on OpenSea.

How many Decoherence by Van Arman NFTs are there?

There is a total of 250 unique NFTs in the Decoherence by Van Arman collection.

How many holders are collecting the Decoherence by Van Arman NFT?

There is a total 182 unique addresses that are holding the DECO NFT.

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