BTCCNFTEthereum Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC)
 Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC)

Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC)

Browse Rotten Anti Social Club NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.008500 ETH
Total trading volume 81.43 ETH
24h trading volume 0.109000 ETH

What is Rotten Anti Social Club?

Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC) is an NFT collection. Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC) price floor today is $13.87, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.11 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 9580 NFTs minted, held by 2525 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $132,879.92.

In the crumbling, fetid streets of Zero Valley, the electric thrill of copium fills the air. Out of the piles of rotting trash, mysterious beings coalesce, and dance in joyful circles, awaiting the coming of Zero, when all we built becomes worthless.

Introducing, the Rotten Anti Social Club. 9,582 animated piles of garbage, disgracing the Ethereum blockchain.

Their only utility is that they stink to high heaven. They promise nothing. They are too disgusting for Discord, and roam the cesspit of Twitter.

Where to buy Rotten Anti Social Club NFT?

You can buy and sell Rotten Anti Social Club (RASC) on OpenSea and LooksRare.

How many Rotten Anti Social Club NFTs are there?

There is a total of 9580 unique NFTs in the Rotten Anti Social Club collection.

How many holders are collecting the Rotten Anti Social Club NFT?

There is a total 2525 unique addresses that are holding the RASC NFT.

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