BTCCNFTEthereum MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE)
 MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE)

MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE)

Browse MEGA 404 Fridge NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.009700 ETH
Total trading volume 19.94 ETH
24h trading volume 0.095200 ETH

What is MEGA 404 Fridge?

MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE) is an NFT collection. MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE) price floor today is $15.83, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.1 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 2056 NFTs minted, held by 814 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $32,555.10.


Planetary events that reshape the whole world can be annoying. If you want to stay cool, you’ll need a fridge. A gift to end a fight with a tribe? Throw a fridge. An ear to confide in? Speak to the fridge. A proof of wealth? Own a fridge.

As the MEGA 404 team and community is built around mutual aid and kindness, we couldn’t possibly let you explore our universe without your own fridge! Open its door to reveal an NFT, the ultimate way to give life to this story!

Learn more at:
4 404 supply released
Date: Jan 31 8pm UTC

Where to buy MEGA 404 Fridge NFT?

You can buy and sell MEGA 404 Fridge (M404FRIDGE) on OpenSea.

How many MEGA 404 Fridge NFTs are there?

There is a total of 2056 unique NFTs in the MEGA 404 Fridge collection.

How many holders are collecting the MEGA 404 Fridge NFT?

There is a total 814 unique addresses that are holding the M404FRIDGE NFT.

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