BTCCNFTEthereum Japan Dream Collection (JDC)
 Japan Dream Collection (JDC)

Japan Dream Collection (JDC)

Browse Japan Dream Collection NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.075000 ETH
Total trading volume 90.00 ETH
24h trading volume 0.461000 ETH

What is Japan Dream Collection?

Japan Dream Collection (JDC) is an NFT collection. Japan Dream Collection (JDC) price floor today is $122.38, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.46 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 1200 NFTs minted, held by 449 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $146,852.10.

Presented by [SWAGGA]( and STARTJPN, Japan Dream Collection is a co-branding collection with 12 distinctive Japanese Web3 IPs including ASAGI, AZITO, Flower Lolita, KawaiiGirlNFT, Love Addicted Girls, Neo Samurai Monkeys, NEO STACKEY, Neo Tokyo Punks, SPACE CROCOS, TheMafiaAnimals, Ossan Paradise and VeryLongAnimals, to showcase the best of Japanese Web3 to the world!

Where to buy Japan Dream Collection NFT?

You can buy and sell Japan Dream Collection (JDC) on OpenSea.

How many Japan Dream Collection NFTs are there?

There is a total of 1200 unique NFTs in the Japan Dream Collection collection.

How many holders are collecting the Japan Dream Collection NFT?

There is a total 449 unique addresses that are holding the JDC NFT.

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