BTCCNFTBNB Smart Chain Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET)
 Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET)

Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET)

Browse Genesis Pear Ticket NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.991824 BNB
Total trading volume 364.99 BNB
24h trading volume 0.000000 BNB

What is Genesis Pear Ticket?

Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET) is an NFT collection. Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET) price floor today is $301.94, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 BNB. As of today, there is a total of 368 NFTs minted, held by 261 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $111,112.94.

Peardao (PEX) aims to complement the CEX and DEX-driven cryptocurrency ecosystem by enabling the exchange of value between on-chain, off-chain and cross-chain ecosystems, much like what we are seeing in centralized ecommerce marketplace like eBay and amazon. Transactions on the Pear marketplace are executed through smart contract(s), facilitated by encrypted chat tools. Credit history is public and transparent to all and arbitration is done through a decentralized dispute management system. Pear seeks to become the leading open marketplace. Our marketplace will eventually be compatible with any type of commerce transaction, payment method, and chain agnostic. We are a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) where members can make decisions to set rules for their ideal marketplace. PEX’s vision is to become part of the infrastructure for the Web3 ecosystem.

Where to buy Genesis Pear Ticket NFT?

You can buy and sell Genesis Pear Ticket (GENESIS PEAR TICKET) on OpenSea BNB Chain.

How many Genesis Pear Ticket NFTs are there?

There is a total of 368 unique NFTs in the Genesis Pear Ticket collection.

How many holders are collecting the Genesis Pear Ticket NFT?

There is a total 261 unique addresses that are holding the GENESIS PEAR TICKET NFT.

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