BTCCNFTBNB Smart Chain Stylike (STYLIKE)
 Stylike (STYLIKE)

Stylike (STYLIKE)

Browse Stylike NFT price floor, chart, trading volume, rarity traits, and more.

Floor price 0.090450 BNB
Total trading volume 165.16 BNB
24h trading volume 0.000000 BNB

What is Stylike?

Stylike (STYLIKE) is an NFT collection. Stylike (STYLIKE) price floor today is $27.54, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.0 BNB. As of today, there is a total of 1826 NFTs minted, held by 1184 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $50,292.64.

Stylike is a fashion app by FTVIO (backed by FashionTV) filled with challenges and tournaments. By using Stylike NFT you can log into the app and upload photos according to the given tasks and get rewarded daily.

With Stylike everyone will get paid, and can earn better prizes based on their uploaded photos. We aim to reward those who put time and effort into their daily look and appreciate fashion.

Stylike Anti-Ponzi solution and In-App advertisement system allow the project to manage rewarding its users every day for their activity.

You can start your daily earnings by getting Stylike NFT and using it in the app.

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Where to buy Stylike NFT?

You can buy and sell Stylike (STYLIKE) on OpenSea BNB Chain.

How many Stylike NFTs are there?

There is a total of 1826 unique NFTs in the Stylike collection.

How many holders are collecting the Stylike NFT?

There is a total 1184 unique addresses that are holding the STYLIKE NFT.

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