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What is sportsman's warehouse holdings (spwh) stock price?
Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.'s stock symbol is SPWH and currently trades under NASDAQ. It’s current price per share is approximately $2.43. When is Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.'s next earnings date? Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. is expected to issue its next earnings report on 09/10/2024.Is spwh a good stock to buy?
5 Wall Street analysts have issued ratings. Currently, 2 analysts rated SPWH as Bullish, 0 rated it Bearish, and 3 rated it Neutral for a Wall Street consensus of buy. . 2 Seeking Alpha authors also rated the stock, and their ratings often outperform those of Wall Street analysts.Is sportsman's warehouse (SWW) a good stock to buy?
Sportsman's Warehouse delivered the weakest performance against analyst estimates, slowest revenue growth, and weakest full-year guidance update of the whole group. Unsurprisingly, the stock is down 47.1% since reporting and currently trades at $2.01.