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What is coin market cap?
Coin Market Cap or Crypto Market Capitalization is the total value of an individual cryptocurrency. This only includes coins or tokens mined or available in circulation. Coin market cap does not include unmined or burned coins or tokens.What are the top 50 coins by market cap?
Top 50 Coins by Market Cap # Coin Price Marketcap Volume (24h) 1 Bitcoin BTC $45,996.00 $864.60 B $31.03 B 2 Ethereum ETH $3,155.18 $369.38 B $21.01 B 3 Cardano ADA $2.10 $67.53 B $5.54 B 4 Tether USDT $1.00 $63.76 B $61.46 B 28 more rows ...How to calculate cryptocurrency market cap?
Calculating Cryptocurrency Market Cap Market cap of a coin is calculated using this formula: Market cap = Total Circulating Supply * Price of each coin. In other words, it is a product of the coin’s circulating supply and the price of each coin.Which cryptocurrency has the largest market cap?
Bitcoin boasts the largest cryptocurrency market capitalization, with a circulating supply at a little over 17,000,000 Bitcoins and price around $8,000.00 at the time of this writing. Looking down the list of crypto coins, those ranked around the 100 mark on the list generally have a market cap of around $55,000,000.