The current ETH to BTC conversion rate is 0.05. Inversely, this means that if you convert 1 BTC you will get 18.95 ETH. The conversion rate of ETH/BTC has decreased by 0.21% in the last hour and shrunk by 0.76% in the last 24 hours. Ethereum is a decentralized computing platform that uses ETH (also called Ether) to pay transaction fees (or “gas”).
What is the exchange rate of Ethereum (ETH) in BTC?
The daily exchange rate of Ethereum (ETH) to BTC fluctuated between a high of BTC0.05387459 on Friday and a low of BTC0.05165928 on Thursday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of ETH in BTC had the largest 24-hour price movement on Wednesday (1 days ago) by -BTC0.00080982 ( 1.5% ).
How much is Bitcoin (BTC) in ETH?
The conversion rate of Bitcoin (BTC) to ETH is ETH18.8235 for every 1 BTC. This means you can exchange 5 BTC for ETH94.117 or ETH50.000 for 2.656260 BTC, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular BTC trading amounts in their corresponding ETH prices and vice versa.