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What is the current price of Cigna stock?
Cigna - 37 Year Stock Price History | CI. Historical daily share price chart and data for Cigna since 1982 adjusted for splits. The latest closing stock price for Cigna as of October 22, 2019 is 170.38. The all-time high Cigna stock closing price was 226.22 on January 26, 2018.How is Cigna Corporation (CI) stock performing?
To see how Cigna Corporation stock has been performing in comparison to its peers in the industry, here are the numbers: CI stock’s performance was 0. 31% in the latest trading, and 48. 00% in the past year, while UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (UNH) has traded 0. 80% on the day and positioned 7. 25% higher than it was a year ago.Why has Cigna (CI) stock risen 18.9% in 6 months?
Cigna Corporation’s CI shares have jumped 18.9% in the past six months compared with the 7.7% rise of the industry it belongs to, thanks to the growing demand for healthcare-related plans. The company has also been gaining from an active inorganic growth strategy. Cigna (CI) Rises 18.9% in 6 Months: More Growth in Store? | Nasdaq