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What was a war bond drive?

This took place in many forms; however, the most publicised were the public war bond ( Kriegsanleihe) drives. Nine bond drives were conducted over the length of the war and, as in Austria-Hungary, the loans were issued at six-month intervals.

How effective were bond drives in WW1?

Posters advertising bond drives across the country included ominous slogans like “Come Across or the Kaiser Will” and conscience-pricking messages like “Our boys in the trenches…is there anything they need that you would not give them. Every Liberty Bond you buy helps them win the war.” The World War I bond drives indeed proved effective.

How did war bonds work?

To help fund this effort, the government turned to ordinary Americans. The United States Treasury offered Americans a series of War Bonds they could purchase during the war. A War Bond was both an investment in one’s country and an investment in one’s own financial future. Here’s how it worked: You could purchase a $25 War Bond for $18.75.

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