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Does Alibaba Group Holding Limited (9988 HK) have company insights?
Select to analyze similar companies using key performance metrics; select up to 4 stocks. 9988.HK does not have Company Insights Find the latest Alibaba Group Holding Limited (9988.HK) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.Why did Alibaba lose 8% in the last 12 months?
Alibaba also continues expanding its global cloud reach to Mexico, with plans for new data centers in Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea. It has already waged a price war with its domestic rivals by slashing the prices of its cloud and artificial intelligence services. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd stock lost 8% in the last 12 months.How did Alibaba become a B2B marketplace?
In the midst of the entrepreneurial boom, an English teacher realized there was great potential in e-commerce and founded a B2B marketplace site named Alibaba. The teacher, Ma Yun (also known as Jack Ma), later became a legend and pioneer of China’s internet development. Alibaba’s success truly began when it expanded its online retail business.