Moreover, it is possible for you to interconvert between these two stocks. The current conversion rate states that one share of BABA is equal to 8 shares of 9988. Here’s what you need to know between these 2 stocks: The Alibaba stock (BABA) was first listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in September 2014.
What is the average price to earnings ratio for Baba stock?
The TTM average price to earnings ratio for BABA stock is 15.72. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA) The 3 year average price to earnings ratio for BABA stock is 26.67. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA) The 5 year average price to earnings ratio for BABA stock is 27.41. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA)
How many shares of Baaba are in 9988?
They are both shares of the same company (Alibaba Group), but differ in the currency they trade in and the minimum number of units to invest in. Moreover, it is possible for you to interconvert between these two stocks. The current conversion rate states that one share of BABA is equal to 8 shares of 9988.