The 6 Month Treasury Bill Rate is the yield received for investing in a US government issued treasury bill that has a maturity of 6 months. The 6 month treasury yield is included on the shorter end of the yield curve. The 6 month treasury yield reached nearly 16% in 1981, as the Fed was raising its benchmark rates in an effort to curb inflation.
What is a 6 month Treasury yield?
The 6 month treasury yield is included on the shorter end of the yield curve. The 6 month treasury yield reached nearly 16% in 1981, as the Fed was raising its benchmark rates in an effort to curb inflation. Secondary market rate.
Where can I find information about US Treasuries?
Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. Get updated data about US Treasuries. Find information on government bonds yields, muni bonds and interest rates in the USA.