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What are British pound futures (6b)?
British Pound futures (6B) at CME Group allow you to take positions on the value of the British pound sterling currency versus the U.S. dollar. Once the world’s leading currency, the pound lost its preeminence with the dissolution of the British Empire in the 1940s.Is 6b a good investment?
This GBP/USD pair represented by 6B is frequently traded, very liquid and characterized by tight bid-ask spreads and nearly nonexistent arbitrage opportunities. Therefore, investors that wish take a position on the pound are well advised to understand the relative strength between the British and U.S. economies and their interest rates.What time does 6b trade?
The contract trades Sunday-Friday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time (CT) with a daily 60-minute break at 4 p.m. CT. This GBP/USD pair represented by 6B is frequently traded, very liquid and characterized by tight bid-ask spreads and nearly nonexistent arbitrage opportunities.