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What can ETH do?
There are many cryptocurrencies and lots of other tokens on Ethereum, but there are some things that only ETH can do. ETH is the lifeblood of Ethereum. When you send ETH or use an Ethereum application, you'll pay a fee in ETH to use the Ethereum network. This fee is an incentive for a block producer to process and verify what you're trying to do.How do I use my ETH Domain?
You will need to have access to Ethereum as well as a Web 3.0 browser like MetaMask to do this. From there, you can link your .ETH domain to your wallet and websites, and you can also create subdomains. This could include a subdomain for an email or a website.What is the difference between Ethereum and ETH?
Ethereum is the blockchain and ETH is the primary asset of Ethereum. ETH is what you're probably looking to buy. More on Ethereum. What's unique about ETH? There are many cryptocurrencies and lots of other tokens on Ethereum, but there are some things that only ETH can do. ETH is the lifeblood of Ethereum.Can I buy ETH without a bank account?
You only need an internet connection and a wallet to accept ETH. You don't need access to a bank account to accept payments. ETH is divisible up to 18 decimal places so you don't have to buy 1 whole ETH. You can buy fractions at a time – as little as 0.000000000000000001 ETH if you want. Want to buy some Ethereum?