How much is 1 BTC now on Binance?
The user wants to know the current price of 1 BTC on Binance.
How many BTC does BlackRock own?
I am curious to know the amount of Bitcoin (BTC) that BlackRock, a prominent global investment firm, currently owns. I would like to understand their exposure to cryptocurrency markets.
How to earn 1 BTC for free?
I want to know if there are any legitimate ways to earn 1 BTC for free. I'm not interested in any scams or illegal activities.
How much is BRC-20 to BTC?
I'm interested in finding out the current exchange rate for BRC-20 to BTC. Could you please tell me how much BRC-20 is worth in BTC?
Which network btc uses?
I'm trying to figure out which network is used by btc. I'm curious about the specific network that BTC operates on and would like to know more about it.