How to learn blockchain?
I'm interested in learning about blockchain technology. I want to understand its fundamentals, how it works, and how I can apply it. I'm looking for resources, courses, or any guidance to help me get started.
Why is DAG better than blockchain?
I've heard a lot about blockchain technology, but recently I came across DAG. People are saying DAG is better than blockchain. I want to understand why DAG is considered superior to blockchain.
Why is blockchain failing?
I've been hearing a lot about blockchain and its potential, but recently it seems like there's been a lot of negative news about it. Projects are failing, investments are losing money, and people are starting to lose faith in the technology. Why is blockchain failing?
What is a blockchain simple coin?
I'm curious about blockchain technology, specifically the concept of a 'simple coin'. I want to understand what it means in the context of blockchain and how it functions.
What Blockchain is Civic on?
I'm interested in finding out which Blockchain platform Civic is operating on. I want to know the specific Blockchain that supports and hosts Civic's services and solutions.