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Does Dragon Ball Z have a Cell Saga?

Dragon Ball Z ’s Cell Saga features several moving parts and gets a lot of mileage out of Future Trunks’ addition to the cast, as well as Super Saiyan transformations becoming the norm with the series’ Saiyans.

Does Vegeta sacrifice Android 18 in Dragon Ball Z?

Vegeta is willing to sacrifice Android 18, and has faith in Future Trunks’ abilities, yet Perfect Cell completely overwhelms the heroes. Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball Z works hard to make sure each narrative saga hits harder than the last.

What is the most chilling moment in Dragon Ball Z?

Semi-Perfect Cell's transformation into Perfect Cell is arguably the most chilling moment in Dragon Ball Z up until this point. The entire Earth shakes and Cell's increased power is even sensed on New Namek, where it's reported to be a threat to the entire universe.

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