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What does it mean if a company is affiliated?
Companies are affiliated when one company is a minority shareholder of another. In most cases, the parent company will own less than a 50% interest in its affiliated company. Two companies may also be affiliated if they are controlled by a separate third party . In the business world, affiliated companies are often simply called affiliates.What is an affiliate company?
In most cases, affiliates are associates or associated companies, which describes an organization whose parent has a minority stake in it. There are several ways that companies can become affiliated. A company may decide to buy out or take over another one, or it may decide to spin off a portion of its operations into a new affiliate altogether.How do affiliated companies work?
Affiliated companies exist when one business has less than 50% ownership by individual shareholders of another entity. Learning how affiliated companies work can help you determine the nature of a company's business relationships. In this article, we define affiliated companies, including their benefits and how they work. Key takeaways: